Vote  ALP/Green  for more  Blackouts and more  WASTED WATER 

Saltbush Advice on Election EvePlease Pass on20th May 2022 For ages now in SE Queensland, it has been cloudy, rainy and largely windless. No sun electrifies the solar panels, intermittent winds play with the prayer wheels, and backup batteries are going flat. For just a while on some afternoons, wind and solar produce a trickle of…… Continue reading  Vote  ALP/Green  for more  Blackouts and more  WASTED WATER 

Falsifying Global Warming Temperatures

tim walshaw from tim’s Newsletter  Since we discussed a philosopher, let’s go on to the acknowledged greatest philosopher in the 20th Century, Karl Popper. While he was famous in a number of areas, his greatest advance was his explanation for the meaning of “truth”. What is truth? This has been one of the most fundamental…… Continue reading Falsifying Global Warming Temperatures

Fantasy climate policies promise a Utopian outcome

In a revealing piece in the Australian, Journalist Chris Kenny exposes the stupidity of the COP-26 Glasgow conference. Will the summer scourge of bushfires be a thing of the past? Will floods, storms and sea surges never destroy our communities again? Will our dams always be full, and our rivers never run dry? Will…… Continue reading Fantasy climate policies promise a Utopian outcome