“Floods & Droughts are Nothing New”. 

Opinion Piece by Saltbush Club’s Viv ForbesAustralian Climate Sceptics BlogPlease Publish and Pass on.17th October 2022. There is nothing unusual about today’s floods, fires, droughts, homelessness and hunger – they have always been part of the human story. But satellite technology allows us to track them better and our world-wide media revels in disaster-reporting, bringing tearfully tragic…… Continue reading “Floods & Droughts are Nothing New”. 

 Vote  ALP/Green  for more  Blackouts and more  WASTED WATER 

Saltbush Advice on Election EvePlease Pass on20th May 2022 For ages now in SE Queensland, it has been cloudy, rainy and largely windless. No sun electrifies the solar panels, intermittent winds play with the prayer wheels, and backup batteries are going flat. For just a while on some afternoons, wind and solar produce a trickle of…… Continue reading  Vote  ALP/Green  for more  Blackouts and more  WASTED WATER 

It’s Time  for Australia toVote for Change

Opinion Piece, Australian Climate Sceptics BlogPls help to spread this around. It’s Time  for Australia toVote for Change4th May 2022 by Viv Forbes of the Saltbush Club  Australian politicians have drifted a long way to the left since the days of Robert Menzies and Arthur Fadden. Starting with Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser, Don Chipp and Bob Brown,…… Continue reading It’s Time  for Australia toVote for Change