Fantasy climate policies promise a Utopian outcome

In a revealing piece in the Australian, Journalist Chris Kenny exposes the stupidity of the COP-26 Glasgow conference.

Will the summer scourge of bushfires be a thing of the past? Will floods, storms and sea surges never destroy our communities again?

Will our dams always be full, and our rivers never run dry?

Will our crops always be abundant and our cities never too hot or too cold?

Will there be a discernible difference in any of these realities? Will our carbon dioxide emission reductions improve our lives or our environment in any way?

If none of these benefits are expected, why do activists and politicians constantly cite these natural occurrences as a justification for action? If they cannot guarantee improvements, how can they justify action?

None of this is addressed in our public debate, and to ask such ­inconvenient questions is to be branded a climate denier or receive some other inane slight.

Our PM Scott Morrison, who once waved a lump of coal around in Parliament House and praised its virtue, is now going to an #agwFraud conference in Glasgow to promote OUR country’s bowing down to the purveyors of the fraud – the United Nations and their many sub-bodies.

As Kenny continues, in the above piece:

The global warming debate involves a complex array of multidisciplinary scientific data, theory and forecasts – and the potential policy responses range into myriad intricacies around energy, economics, agriculture, ecology, science, infrastructure and more – yet the debate lacks intelligent, factual approaches.

We are supposed to adopt drastic action, whatever the cost, and without any assurances it will lead to any beneficial outcomes.

Chris Kenny exposes the false data pushed by Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology:

The Bureau of Meteorology feeds out media releases about broken temperature records, often without volunteering how they rely on revising earlier records downwards. Back in January 2019, the BOM proudly proclaimed a record as Adelaide reached 46.6 degrees, the highest maximum recorded in any of our capitals – except that it was not. Back on January 12, 1939, Adelaide recorded a maximum a full degree higher, but it had been revised downwards by the BOM’s homogenisation of temperature records.

Kenny continues:

This intellectually callow, politically puerile and practically frightening proposition was put by Labor at the last election, enabling them to lose what many thought was the unlosable election. Bizarrely, the same arguments are now being made by the Coalition government, sacrificing their values and practical disposition on the altar of climate ­conformity.

What rising of mainstream angst has wrought this dramatic about-face, you might ask? What awakening among the communities and families of middle Australia who usually support right-of-centre parties has pushed the Liberals and Nationals into this reversal? The sad and disturbing answer is; nothing. The shift has not come from the grassroots or from the public; it has come from outside.

Are we to let the carpetbaggers take over our country?

Shouldn’t we at least have a say at what “OUR” Prime Minister says at these #agwFraud gabfests?