Everything that needs electricity is made with oil

In an important article on the CFACT website, Ronald Stein writes: Renewables may be able to generate intermittent electricity form breezes and sunshine, but they cannot replace what is manufactured from fossil fuels, that are demanded by lifestyles and economies around the world.” Ronald notes that, without fossil fuels, we will return to a world…… Continue reading Everything that needs electricity is made with oil

Climate alarmism posing as science education for children.

https://www.cfact.org/2022/04/21/climate-alarmism-posing-as-science-education-for-children/ By David Wojick The beginning: “The new and so-called Next Generation Science Standards are now law for about a third of American children. They say what will be taught in each grade from first grade through high school. At least 20 states have adopted them. See https://ngss.nsta.org/About.aspx for a map. Traditional standards still govern…… Continue reading Climate alarmism posing as science education for children.