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Particularly note the asterisked items below…

Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —
If You Only Have Time to Read a Few Select Articles:
*** Would Our Founding Fathers Recognize America Today?
*** The 45 Communist Goals Were Just The Initial Blueprint To Take Over America
*** Tucker Carlson’s Recent Talk at Heritage
*** Welcome to the Great Spiritual War of our Time
*** Congresswoman Tenney Introduces the Promoting Free and Fair Elections Act
*** Republicans need a serious counter-offensive if they want to stand a chance
*** The IPCC’s perversion of science
*** Insanity: Biden Energy Secretary Wants All US Military Vehicles to be Electric by 2030
*** Charge!
*** Smaller, cheaper, safer: The next generation of nuclear power, explained
*** Long List of SMR Manufacturers
*** China Dominates U.S. Solar Market as Lawmakers Tussle Over Tariffs
*** DOE vs. Gas Cooking: A Review of Critical Comments
*** Right, OilPrice.com, Wind Power is Unprofitable
*** The Renewable Capital Cost Green Trick
*** The Statistics That Come Out of Nowhere
*** The ‘Hurtful’ Idea of Scientific Merit
*** Though Beleaguered, Science Education is Alive in America
*** Study: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug
*** Fauci’s ‘Humble’ Attempt to Rewrite History
*** Another Op-Ed Attack At Fauci’s Never-Ending Victory Tour
Higher Education Related:
*** Restoring Real Debate on College Campuses
*** 673 university professors sign letter opposing courses on America’s founding, Constitution. NC Academics Dig in against the Constitution
*** College Professor made ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ Required Reading for Her Students
Whitworth Students Bar Survivor of Maoist China from Speaking
Here is how big the global edtech market will grow by 2030
Secondary Education Related:
*** Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System
*** How To Shush Your Negative Inner Voice, Think More Positively and Teach Kids To Do the Same
*** Advanced Public Education — Based on Merit, not Equity!
Are Public Schools Broken, or are the Defects Part of the Design?
How the woke, like all totalitarians, are targeting our children
Science Education Now About Squelching Science?
Greed Energy Economics:
*** Right, OilPrice.com, Wind Power is Unprofitable
*** The Renewable Capital Cost Green Trick
*** Green Energy Is Stuck at a Financial Red Light
Wind lobby demands ever more subsidies from poor Europeans
Renewables (General):
*** How Greening the Economy Will Destroy America
*** The inhumanity of the green agenda
*** Environmental Bootleggers and Baptists Fleece Consumers
Video: The Great Renewable Energy Con explained by Dr Benny Peiser
A not-so-green reality behind green transition
Wind Energy — Offshore:
*** The Pentagon Tilts at Windmills
*** Whales and Offshore Wind: The Verdict Was in Before the Coroner’s Report
Wind energy developer funneled cash to Dem senator pushing offshore wind
NOAA proposes hammering 208% of vanishing Right Whales
Biden Admin Energy Official Won’t Say if Offshore Turbines Can Survive Hurricane
California Wind-power auction shows how money matters in climate projects
Cargo ship arrives in Germany with large hole after striking wind turbine
Wind Energy — Other:
*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)
Wind Energy Poll: Nearly 60% say embrace natural gas
Solar Energy:
*** China Dominates U.S. Solar Market as Lawmakers Tussle Over Tariffs
Wisconsin Town Fights Big Solar (And Climate Corporatism)
Firefighters struggling to contain solar facility fire
Utility Scale Solar Kills Jobs
Nuclear Energy:
*** Smaller, cheaper, safer: The next generation of nuclear power, explained
*** DOE Report: Pathways to Commercial Liftoff — Advanced Nuclear
*** Long List of SMR Manufacturers
*** France Delivering a Second Nuclear Era
NC Senate Republicans pave way for nuclear fusion in North Carolina
Nuclear Energy is a Game Changer, But Not For Climate Reasons!
Bill Gates: I’m in Wyoming to celebrate the next nuclear breakthrough
Nuclear Gaining Steam in Canada
Fossil Fuel Energy:
*** DOE vs. Gas Cooking: A Review of Critical Comments
*** Biden’s New ‘Green’ Power Plant Rule Is Probably Illegal
An Earth Day discussion with Alex Epstein, Rick Perry, and the TX State Climatologist
China’s coal boom accelerates as Beijing strengthens energy security
Electric Vehicles (EVs):
*** Insanity: Biden Energy Secretary Wants All US Military Vehicles to be Electric by 2030
Will Electric Vehicles Disappoint You?
Survey: Growing portion of US shoppers are rejecting EVs
Ford is losing roughly $60,000 for every electric vehicle sold
Misc Energy:
*** The IPCC’s perversion of science
*** Charge!
*** Capacity Factors: Comparing Apples & Kumquats
Global Energy Security and Net Zero
Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:
*** The climate scaremongers: How the ‘world disaster’ figures lie
King Charles III: The climate prophet of doom
The Practical Impossibility of Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage
Manmade Global Warming — Misc:
Climate Change Papers You Should Read
“No Bricks, No Glass, No Cement” – What Net Zero 2050 Demands According to Government-Funded Report
Simon the Solar Powered Cat :A Climate Scam Subversive?
US Election:
Election-Integrity.info (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)
*** Congresswoman Tenney Introduces the Promoting Free and Fair Elections Act
*** Republicans need a serious counter-offensive if they want to stand a chance
*** Report: The Fingerprints of Fraud
*** Corrupt Media Fight Election Accountability With Democrat-Manufactured Lies
*** Dominion vs. ‘Russian Collusion’ and ‘Disinformation’
*** Republicans Hope to Block Biden’s Use of Government to Get Out Vote
US Election — State Issues:
*** North Carolina Supreme Court tosses out electoral maps, reinstitutes voter ID law
Full Committee Hearing: American Confidence in Elections: State Tools to Promote Voter Confidence
Voter confidence is hurt when voting lists are not being cleaned up
Al Gross should have stayed on U.S. House ballot, Alaska Supreme Court says
Georgia Victory: Legislation Enforcing Ban on ‘Zuckerbucks’ Scheme Signed into Law
Appeals Court in Florida Voids Obama Judge’s Ruling in Win for Election Integrity
Longtime Democratic Campaign Strategist Charged with Election Fraud
Albany NY Area Officials Indicted for Election Fraud
Iran-linked hackers broke into election results website in 2020, general says
Tucker Carlson:
*** Tucker Carlson Video Exceeds 60M Views in Less Than 24 Hours
What Happened to Tucker at Fox Proves Mencken and Liebling Right
The Crime of “Talking to Tucker Carlson”
Victor Davis Hanson on Tucker Carlson’s firing, ‘Fox News can’t replace him’
Tucker Shows Us the Way Through A Sandstorm of Lies
Misc US Politics:
*** Big Pharma’s Destruction of American Journalism
*** Biden’s Energy Secretary Endorses Suicidal Mission for the U.S. Military
*** How Corrupt is our Current Situation? It’s Worse that Most Can Fathom
*** DeSantis Made Himself a Conservative Juggernaut…
Now They’re Trying Censor Your Text Messages
Biden Leans Even Further Left to Secure the Votes of ‘Progressive’ Young Adults
The Transgender Cult Owns the Democratic Party
On the Debt Ceiling, GOP Should Unplug DOJ
Federal Court Halts Biden Administration’s Clean Water Overreach
Societally US:
*** The Violent Legacy of Anti-Parent Policies
*** Americans are not working, nor is their collapsing culture
*** Stossel Confronts a Professor
*** Coming to grips with the deadly impact of information overload
Female Crash Test Dummy Says She Doesn’t Know How Car Got Totaled
NY taxpayer outflow hit a new net high of 261,785 in 2020-21
Some Real Life Effects of Equity
A DEI Meeting You’ll Never See
Wokeness And Conservative Economic Power
US Politics and Socialism:
*** Critically Thinking about Woke
*** Would Our Founding Fathers Recognize America Today?
*** The 45 Communist Goals Were Just The Initial Blueprint To Take Over America
*** Need to Keep Masses Afraid is Behind Elite Embrace of Wokeism and Censorship
*** Central banks and ESG investing: A fatal combination of incompetence and overreach
What Drives The Anti-American Left
What Happened to First Republic Bank?
*** WHO: The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed
*** UN, Harvard, And Facebook-Google Launch Push For Censorship Worldwide
*** World On Cusp Of Woke Totalitarianism As Governments Act To End Freedom Of Speech
*** Kennedy: WEF And Bill Gates Are Using ‘Climate Change’ To Control Population
Report: ESG — A Threat to Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and the U.S. Economy
The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal | Michael Rectenwald
Religion Related:
*** Welcome to the Great Spiritual War of our Time
As Religious Faith Continues to Decline, a Faithful Remnant Has Outsized Political Impact
How Christian Popular Culture’s Revival Cast Out the Money Changers
*** The Statistics That Come Out of Nowhere
*** The ‘Hurtful’ Idea of Scientific Merit
*** Though Beleaguered, Science Education is Alive in America
*** Study: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug
Biden Administration Supports ‘Gain of Function’ Research
Artificial Intelligence:
*** What is ChatGPT?
Study: ChatGPT Answers Beat Physicians’ on Info, Patient Empathy
Artificial Intelligence Is Here — Friend, Foe or Both?
*** Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people
*** A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation
*** Latest Developments in Ukraine: May 7th
War Threatens Ukraine Auto Empire of Biden Mega Donor — Who is Urging Greater U.S. Role
COVID-19 — Injections:
*** Serious Harms of the Covid-19 Vaccine: A Systematic Review
*** 500 Australians Join World’s First COVID Vaccine Injury Class Action Lawsuit
Don’t let anyone gaslight you on VAERS
Major US Agency to Keep COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Despite White House Announcement
COVID-19 — Masks:
*** Study: Face Mask Risk = Stillbirths, Testicular Dysfunction, Cognitive Decline
*** Yet Another European Study Contradicts CDC Mask Doctrine
COVID-19 — Misc:
*** Fauci’s ‘Humble’ Attempt to Rewrite History
*** Another Op-Ed Attack At Fauci’s Never-Ending Victory Tour
COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:
My webpage (C19Science.info) with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports
*** World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines
*** FLCCC Long COVID Treatment Protocol
*** COVID-19: What You Need To Know (Physicians for Informed Consent)
*** If you have received a COVID-19 injection, here’s how to Detox
*** Place Your US Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
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John Droz, jr.
physicist & citizen’s rights advocate
Revision 5/7/23
Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g., PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.
Note 2: For past Newsletter issues see the archives from: 2020 & 2021 & 2022 & 2023. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over all thirteen plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put this together — where you can search ALL prior issues, by year. For a background about how the Newsletter is put together, etc., please read this.
Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website: WiseEnergy.org.
Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.
Copyright © 2023; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see WiseEnergy.org).