Either the Google Goons can’t handle the truth….or they are scared that the truth behind the Man-made Global warming Fraud will be revealed.
As has previously been reported on these pages, the Goons at Google have hidden our “Australian Climate Sceptics blog” from public eyes.

So, that means only authors can see the pages. However, as we are exposing the lies behind the man-made global warming fraud, the Google Goon Gang seem to be running scared. Although the pages can only be seen by authors, the Goons are now UN-PUBLISHING posts from the old blog. One of the posts the Google Goons have unpublished is Dr Wes Allen’s expose of the Flim-Flam Man (Tim Flannery)’s multi-flawed book “The Weathermakers.”
Wes’ book is called “The Weathermakers Re-Examined.“

No wonder the Google Goons wanted to hide any reference to Flannery’s Flawed Fiction – Dr Wes’ expose reveals that Flannery’s “The Weather Makers” is shown to contain
- 23 misinterpretations,
- 28 contradictory statements,
- 31 untraceable or suspect sources,
- 45 failures to reflect uncertainty,
- 66 over-simplifications or factual errors,
- 78 exaggerations and over a hundred unsupported dogmatic statements, many of them quite outlandish.
As I say, because Flannery’s work was so flawed. it is no wonder the Google Goon Gang want to hide the post pushing “The Weathermakers Re-examined.“
Fortunately, (or Unfortunately for the Google Goons) the post they unpublished had previously been duplicate-posted in these pages: