Let Them Eat Bugs

Feel free to use this cartoon with no alterations.

Letter-to-the-Editor by
Saltbush Club’s Viv Forbes
Australian Climate Sceptics Blog
Please Spread Around

4th December 2022 

They started a war on our cattle
Which led to a hell of a battle.
Our burgers are now made of crickets,
And buying real beef needs their tickets,
Imprinted with silly Green prattle.

Pictorial Comment. “The War on Cattle”:
Feel free to use this cartoon with no alterations.

Viv Forbes
Washpool, Qld, Australia

Viv and Judy Forbes breed meat sheep, eat beef, lamb and pork, and feed crickets to their insect-eating hens.

Real Food for Thought:

The Battle for our Grasslands and Livestock:
(There is a cartoon there which you may use.)

Let them Eat Bugs: